Tuesday, May 15, 2007

living off the sun

from slashdot.org comes this interesting open source idea that tries to use the 'wisdom of crowds' (as our friends over at digg.com opine) to come up with a functional solar/geothermal solution for electrical generation.

if you own your home and want to experiment, this might be a great place to start looking.

solar heat pump electrical generation system

Monday, May 14, 2007

canada is point of low gravity!

for real.

guess canada went on a great diet. ;-)

p.s. i read this on my honeymoon but didn't want to post until i got back and was settled in.

i'm officially settled in folks.

and happily married btw.

new interview from aesop rock

just back from my honeymoon to catch up on emails and discovered that on his blog (from aesop rock wins) aesop rock has posted a nice interview with media pitchfork.
