Friday, April 20, 2007

will wright and brian eno

amazing discussion on how cellular automata influenced two of the most groundbreaking artists of our time, and more - with the artists themselves.

essentially 'cellular automata' is a mathematical study of computation - how simple rules set for a mass of items create a more complex result. not all that dissimilar from what is often called 'emergence theory' or the rise of the appearance of cohesive intelligence from minute particles.

sounds very deep but i have a perfect example - ants.
yep, each ant has a specific role in the hive but their rules are not more complicated than "find food and come back and tell us where it is" and "go bring the food back to the queen".

from those two simple rules a fascinating society is built up around the following of thousands, if not millions of automata following those simple rules.

both brian eno (think 'ambient music' and the ground breaking album 'music for airports') and will wright (think 'sims', 'sims 2') took the ideas in different ways. brian works with creating music outside of the idea of notes and scales and traditional harmony and will wright uses c.a. to create some of the most fascinating videogames of the last decade.

join them for a talk.

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