Sunday, February 25, 2007

make your own blank book

there are lots of ways to do this.

my fiancee and i happened to be in an arts store recently and i was killing time looking at the bookbinding books because, well they were there and i have a natural curiosity. plus, i felt like my fiancee would get what she needed done faster if i was just out of the way so i amused myself as i am want to do.

i ended up finding a quick and dirty way to create a pocket notebook by taking a piece of 8.5x11 sheet of paper and folding it a few times twice over and then slicing a bit in the middle and folding it accordian style until you end up with an eight page notepad. after seeing that this rather simply bound instruction book on beginning bookbinding was on the order of $30, i promptly placed it back on the shelf and went to find my amorcita.

later, bored in a situation i should have been paying attention, i managed to work up a mock up simply from memory of the figure.

at home with my next prototype, i grabbed a glossy ad for rogers (local cable conglomerate) and worked up a 22 page version. i was so excited i took a magazine, ripped the front cover off and promptly created a 42 page version.

i leafed through the magazine until i found an add that i liked and promptly made a 78 page version. so now i have three very personal, rough around the edges notepads.

i can't wait until i can get my hands on some paper other than my printer type. perhaps some of that resume paper.

so, in that spirit i present a few posts on book assembly. perhaps you'll get the bug too.

toby craig book assembly photolog
brian sawyer book assembly flickr log

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