Thursday, February 15, 2007

your own games

these web 2.0 days you think?

what's got me going this morning is the thought that there are ready tools to create just about any of the consumable entertainment out there. and it's true, if you think about it.

the main problem is that most of us are so lazy that we don't even take the time it is needed to create something.

for a long time now, i've been trying to find my own personal artistic version of the golden ratio between the media that i consume and that which i create. too often it seems to be one of those thousand to one sort of situations. i watch thousands of hours of entertainment a year and yet don't create much of anything in the way of my own output.

perhaps, it's because it's not easy creating - that's fine. when one creates something that is artistic - especially if there is a chance that money could be made off of it there are sharks in the water all the time - those that would for no other reason their own greed get in your way and claim that they too, are owed a part of the money because of some implied closeness to you or your process.

the closer one becomes to a 'paid artist' the more real that possibility becomes. for real. the sharks are in places you might not even think they would be.

so, the only proper response - i mean really, would be to just give your art away.

sounds crazy no? how can one be a professional artist and give their art away.

a perfect explanation, canadian cory doctorow gives the electronic version of this books away and explains to why this makes him more money than before.

but before we get all literary (that will come) let's talk about games.

i like video games - i prefer first person shooters but that's just me. the other type is those thousand hour long games that seem to change the way you look the world. as someone who used to play role playing games the rpg maker xp is something of a marvel. here is a tool that will allow someone with the kind of braindead intensity it takes to create a dungeon and dm the whole thing (ok - i just outed myself as an old d&d freak so sue me - wait..i take that back - someone just might want to).

think of it - your adventure, your name on the lips of thousands of whey faced otaku.

hmmmm fame.

send me an email at cuervos(dot)laugh(at)gmail(dot)com and we'll discuss how you make money off a free enterprise like that.

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